Sat 11 Jan
A dream come true
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, anywhere you want me!)
« Adult Entertainment @ its Finest » $100 $pecial$ 24HRs *STAR* (318)678-8574 STAR - 23
(Shreveport, SHREVEPORT/BOSSIER (Your place or mine))
Not judge tha🔰by Cover!!!*👓Look Im KanDi& 🍭🍭 ¡s WoW Tight, Woo 💦💦W/ WONDERFUL 🍭🍭 - 23
(Shreveport, Sheveport/Bossier City)
Fri 10 Jan
(Shreveport, Shreveport - Pines Rd)
$80~*~*~* GoRgEoUs GrEEn EyEd BrUnEttE is BaCK ~*~*~* SpECIals! ~*~*~ VerY OPeNmINdEd!!! ~*~*~ - 22
(Shreveport/Bossier/Outcalls 2 u)
== >>((*EbOnY HoTTie*))__ +Available Now+ ___[[PERFECT CHOICE]]< == - 18
pretty!!! ~Taylor~ FuN & PlaYFUL - CuTie With A NiC3 SPanKaBle @ss (SpeCialS all NighT) - - - 20 - 20
Hot Mouthwatering Pleasure* I'll Make You Feel Good Inside &Out; - 21
(Shreveport, Shreveport Area/ Incall)
[♥] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [♥] NEVER LOOKED [♥] THIS N*I*C*E ;)- [♥] - 21
(Shreveport, shreveport -surronding areas-in-out)
early bird special 60★★60★60★★ √Barbi€ Sup€r Fr€ak M€r€d€z 100%Me No Worries well reviewed - 22
(Shreveport, shreveport pines area)
Find a for free! Just sign up!
(Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
* Gorgeous .:°_°:. BlUe EyED.:°_°:. Blonde * (willing to travel) - 23
(Shreveport, ...Y0u® Pla©E...)
I am a Married Mans Best Kept Secret!! - 19
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, 10 minutes away)
Kinky Fun! Open - Minded! Discreet & Sexy! - 19
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
★★My CaNdySh♥p Is Open •-:¦:-• ☆ C♥me Inside an Experience a SwEEt VANILLA Freak $pEcIaL$ ★$pEcIaL$ - 25
** R@llY IS BAcK COmE JoIn ME WiTh A PhaT AZZ In CuTE FAcE %100 ReaL PIcS SpECiALS ALL DAy/NIgHT!!!! - 23
★( 2 SExY BURNETTE BaBeS ) ( DoUbL TRoUbL...) ( LTs PLaY BoYs! ;)New 2Town. - 20
:: ♥ :: B`L ` I ` S ` S `F ` U ` L :: ♥ :: B ` O ` D ` Y ` :: ♥ :: - 24
(Shreveport, Shreveport,Bossier and Surrounding areas)
call now • ☆☆ ( P E T I T E ) —— • B A b E • —— ♥ R E A D Y ♥ —— • ( NOW ) ☆☆ • outcall/incall - 20
stunning* * ex0tic playmate*
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, anywhere you want me!)
▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ HoT EROTIC EXOTIC BOMBSHELL ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ EVERY MANS FANTASY** - 21
(Shreveport, shreveport ,bossier)
Thu 09 Jan
Dont Miss This!!! The Sexy Asian and Black Beauty!!! Specials are available!!!!! - 24
(OutCalls Only!!!! Just Passing By!!!!!)
100 ________ Real & Truely Exotic Hottie ________ (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) AVAILABLE NOW - 21
(Shreveport, shreveport -surronding areas-in-out)
(¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯)Heads or tails?★ WK END $PCL$ ★24/7 (¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) - 26
(Shreveport, PINES RD/ I-20)
◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ BRAND NEW 18YR OLD ELF BAMBI! *Only 2 spots Open Today! ◙◙◙◙◙◙ ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ - 18
(Baton Rouge, Upscale Incall)
***NO~ MORE ~ $TRE$$~ LET ~ ME ~ RELAX ~ U *** 3189739025 100%REAL PIC - 24
Princess Is NEW in town to give you all her love CALL ME 9039526693 - 26
(Bossier City in and out calls surroundin, Shreveport)
Cute Asian Women are waiting for YOU!
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, OutCall)
electrifying captivating gorgeous woman
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, anywhere you want me!)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) —*HOTT* —(( *BRUNETTE B0MBSHELL* )) ——(( *REAL PICS* )) **ReAdY NoW** - 24
(Shreveport, Shreveport La)
- Be MESMERIZD * hypnotized * SATISFIED- 24hr ULtimaTE PLeasURE GUArantEEd (318)584-4206 *STAR* - 23
(Shreveport, anywhere u want me)
Beautiful Ladies Work With A Agency That Guarantee's $7000 to $10,000 in 5 Days Must Tour
(Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
$$$Mahogany$$$The SEXIEST MF On BP!!! 60/100/120/200 - 42
(Frierson,La.(near Relay Station), Shreveport)
New Pics💚 Read Whole Ad 💛 Visit my site 💙 Watch and Release👍👍Pantie specials Too💚 - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport/Bossier City)
Wed 08 Jan
* BoOtY * BoOb$ * BrAiNz * (COME PLAY WITH US) 5135127172 + 2142512708 - 24
(Shreveport, were u need me)
❥•ೋ ; ❥♥ * ❤ * SPiCE UP YOUR LiFE ♥ BUSTY ♥ SEDUCTiVE EBONY * ❤ * ♥ ❥•ೋ - 21
(Lake Charles, Sulphur (My place or Yours))
***CLIcK Here***LOOk No FuRthEr Ms.Foxx Incall/Outcall - 22
(Haughton, Minden, Grambling,Ruston, Shreveport)
new hot pics¥our W€€K£Nd ATF♥ M€®©€D€Z √ W€ll R€Vi€w€D √H€®€ 2pleAse YoU - 21
(Shreveport, shreveport area)
⭐⭐5⭐STAR⭐⭐ - 🔥👑 With Me, Is Where You Want To Be 👑🔥 - 💋💋💋LIMITED EDITION💋💋💋 - 19
(Shreveport, Bossier City)
♡♥♡♥♡♥♡:-) Alleah is back and new to Sherveport♡♥♡♥ - 21
(Shreveport, Shreveport and other surrounding areas)
*** CuTE EboNY, SLIM WAIst, W/ Phat Azz Call ME NOW $80Specials***** DOn't Miss OuT!!!! - 23
(Shreveport, SHREVEPORT IN/OUT!!)
** SexxY sExXy SeXXy!! ** Your Favorite Brunette Angel is Waiting for You!! Don't Miss Out!! ** - 22
(in/out calls)
°★°o © {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} o© {COME} o© {PLAY} °o© ★ ★★ PHilLIpPINe GoDdEsS (Last Day) - 22
💟💟▋💟💟▋🔥▋🔥▋💟💟▋NEW FACE▋🔥▋💟💟▋💟💟▋REAL HOT ASIAN▋💟💟▋INCALL ▋💟💟▋225-371-1880 - 22
(Bossier City LA,(225)-371-1880, Shreveport)
💋 ✎✔ A+ Service ----- u n f o r g e t t a b l e BABE - - Amazing §killz - - Incall/Outcall 💋 - 20
(Shreveport, Shreveport/Bossier)