Mon 27 Jan
DON'T B LONELY OVR THE 4TH mature blonde and blue red hot and sizzlin waiting for u - 48
___▄ █ ☆█•: ▄___ ((( •♥• BEAUTIFUL BLONDE CURVY SENSATION •♥• ))) ___▄ █ ☆█•: ▄___ - 24
(Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge In & Outcall)
A_ V_ A _I _L _A _B _L _E _ N_ O_ W___ !! Its me Or Its Free ! - 25
(Shreveport, monkhouse dr & I 20)
Rise And Shine 💥💥💋💋 Start Your Day With Something Sweet🎀💄🎀 EarlyBird Spcls! LAST CHANCE 4Hrs Left! - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incall/Outcall)
Mon 13 Jan
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, everywhere)
Sun 12 Jan
BUSTY all Natural Sweetness! Escape Into My World! - 19
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
Sat 11 Jan
****$$$60 specials till 5 a.m. $$$**** Miss new booties!!!! (OUT W/ THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW) - 20
(Shreveport, shreveport incall/outcall)
Petite Treat 💜 Latina Beauty 💜 Dipped in Honey 🍯 Early Risers #1 Treat! Spcls Till 10 a.m.! - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incall/Outcall)
■●■LETS GET NASTY!!! Up Late? Call Me ● 100% certified freak!!! I go the xtra mile..IN/OUT■●■ - 25
(Shreveport, SHREVEPORT off interstate 20)
Fri 10 Jan
early bird special 60★★60★60★★ √Barbi€ Sup€r Fr€ak M€r€d€z 100%Me No Worries well reviewed - 22
(Shreveport, shreveport pines area)
*^* Don't be Fooled by all the FAKES!! Come Experience the Very BEST!!! Sexxy Brunette Angel *^* - 21
(in / outcall)
New Video💚 Companionship 💛 Erotic Dancing 💟 Visit my site 💙 Release👍👍Pantie specials Too💚 - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport/Bossier City)
Thu 09 Jan
Freaky ❤️fetish friendly ❤️jamaican babe with DDD's 😘😘👅👅👅💦💦💦 60/100 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport downtown)
Beautiful Ladies Work With A Agency That Guarantee's $7000 to $10,000 in 5 Days Must Tour
(Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
👀2 New Sexy Slim Thick Best Friends💦Best Of Both Worlds Here 4 A Short Time👅👄Specials - 20
(Shreveport, Shreveport/Bossier Monkhouse)
Wed 08 Jan
╰❤️╮👸╭❤️╯【LeT's】▬⭐️★⭐️▬ 【MAkE】╰❤️╮👸╭❤️╯ 【YoUR】▬⭐️★⭐️▬ 【DREaMs】╰❤️╮👸╭❤️╯ 【BEcOmE】▬⭐️★⭐️▬【REALitY】 - 21
(Houma, Houma Incalls)
💟💟▋💟💟▋🔥▋🔥▋💟💟▋NEW FACE▋🔥▋💟💟▋💟💟▋REAL HOT ASIAN▋💟💟▋INCALL ▋💟💟▋225-371-1880 - 22
(Bossier City LA,(225)-371-1880, Shreveport)
Tue 07 Jan
GREAT SPECIALS im back and eager for a late night TREAT..... - 25
(Shreveport, shreveport and surrounding areas)
$80HHR Specials **** Exotic N' Sweet NEW EBOnY Cutie! $8OHHR INCALL SpeCial !! *** - 23
*** MIsS EbOny ThE BeST At WhAt I Do* NiCe ROUnD AZZ w/$85 SPEci@LZ!!!!** - 23
70 70CoMe Put iT AnYWhERE YoU'll LiKE... THeREs NoTHiNG I CaNT HanDLE ☆ TrU fREaKs PlayGroUND!! - - 21
Low Self Esteem >> Bitches who Bait & Switch +++ BEwARE PIMPs UNSaFE INcALl - 27
(Shreveport, MonkHouse(Guy's BeWare ThEy Have A Pimp))
Mon 06 Jan
🆙💲❇ 🤑ℳś Amber Coxx. [I ♡ Tips] Here Available Now !📲Cäll Me S0øn シXOX ♡😉🤑❇💲🆙 - 23
(Lil ol Flint Mi Here Big Ol 👊😀, Shreveport)
NEW IN TOWN✴UPSCALE INCALL☁✨ToTaL DREAM Girl✨☁✴🇨🅰🇳🇹🇨🅾🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪 ✔🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹🇪🇷ⓣⓗⓐⓝ Ever❕ 💦☎ - 23
(Shreveport, airline)
New *• ↓BeAuTiFuL↓ E¥e CanD¥ •*♡ 【TOP NOTCH】 【#1 MOST Wanted】 ¤AVAILABLE NOW¤ - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incall)
Tired of Fakes and Boring!?? Trashy and Ashy!?? IM 100% real.. Gorgeous and i PARTY VEGAS STYLE! - 25
(Lake Charles, InCall / Outcall)
(( PreTTy... LiL & PinK )) *♥ : (( FLaWLeSs & REViewed )) : (( PLaYFuL COmpAnioN)) )) - 22
(Shreveport, Incall & Outcall)
Sneak Away and Play with Me - Your Fantasy Playmate Awaits!
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Sexy Exotic Tasty Treat 100% Real Lets Play Specials Avl. - 23
(Shreveport, shreveport in n out n bosier)
Sun 05 Jan
▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ HoT & EROTIC EXOTIC BOMBSHELL ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ EVERY MANS FANTASY** - 21
(Shreveport, shreveport ,bossier)
💗 TW0 H0T GiRL SH0WS 💗 R£@D¥ T0 CAT€R T0 Y0U 💗 0N€ iN A LiFE TiM€ EXP€Ri€NCE 💗 D0NT MiSS US 💗 - 21
(Shreveport, Shreveport-surrounding)
---- UNleash your D-E-S-I-R-E-S ---- P-L-A-Y with my F-A-T K-A-T ---- P-E-T me & Make me P-r-r-r-r - - 24
NEW GIRL in Town with Killer Curves and a Soothing Touch... - 19
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, city)
(¯`'•.¸ღ¸.•'´¯) SATURDAY SPECIAL . . LuCkY ChArM. MAGICally DELICIOUS! (¯`'•.¸ღ¸.•'´¯) Spcls! - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incall/ Outcall)
If your looking for upscale girl with intelligence and beauty then that would be me - 28
(Shreveport, bossier)
Sat 04 Jan
🍷🍸 Your Dream Girl Poca 📞📞 An Unforgettable Experience ❣❣ - 21
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incalls Or Your Place)
** R@llY IS BAcK COmE JoIn ME WiTh A PhaT AZZ In CuTE FAcE %100 ReaL PIcS $75$ SpECiALS !!!! - 23
Fri 03 Jan
💖💋 Naughty Naudia 💖💋 ~🎆 Explosive 🎆💋 Seductive💋💎 Exquisite💎 - 27
(Shreveport, Shreveport /bossier city)
★★ [×❤×] MESMERiZiNG and SWEET BrUnEtte BuNny [×❤×] ★★ - 21
(Shreveport, wherever you want me 2 be!)
{*•💋💖💯.•*Wh¥ $ettle f0r Le$$....When y0u c@n hav3 th3 be$t*•.•*} Available now !!! 👠👠👠 📞 Me... - 25
(Shreveport, Incalls&resident; out calls only)
ㅇㅇㅇㄴㅂ ㄴㅂ Well reviewed mrsMercedez ♥DㅂnGㅌrㅇUs ㄷurVㅌs♥ ㅂnD ㅋrㅌㅂkY ㅜuRnㄹ♥ special♥ - 21
(Shreveport, shreveport area hwy 20)
♥▄▄ ☆ ▄ Exotic, petite freak REAL PICS!!! spcls, body rubs & more ▄ ☆ ▄▄♥ - 26
(Shreveport, Off interstate 20)
Thu 02 Jan
You'll Like My Style, You'll Like My Class.....But Most Of All You'll Like My A55!! - 44
(Shreveport, Bossier City)